Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 41 Hot Springs Arkansas

Yesterday's drive from Rayne to Hot Springs, Arkansas was pleasant but uneventful. After checking in we just drove around town to get a feel for things and realized that Hot Springs had every chain restaurant ever conceived. However we did manage to find a little Mexican joint and it was just what I needed...refried beans. After a good night's sleep we went over to the Garvan Woodland Gardens for what was advertised as the Daffodil Days. There were exactly zero daffodils in bloom, nevertheless it was well worth the trip. We walked three of the four miles of walking paths and as far as woodland gardens go, this was the best I've ever been to; and it's only eight years old. In another four weeks it will be unbelievable. I would highly recommend that if anyone happens to be in Hot Springs, especially in late March, they should definitely go to Garvan Gardens. Tomorrow I'm going to Oaklawn race track to play the horses. It's a well known track and I'm looking forward to the excitement. I called Skip, an old high school pal, and asked for his picks and he gave me plenty. I'll play his picks for sure if the silk colors are green, yellow, or pink. If the silks are blue, I probably won't. Purple's a definite no-no. Sylvia's not interested in going and it's probably a good idea. Our “lively” discussions have slightly deteriorated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since y'all made it to Arkansas, you might as well go on up to Bentonville and visit the corporate offices of Wal-Mart -- yahoo!!!!! You could buy Sylvia a nice gift so the "lively" discussions can get back on track.

Carol G.