We had am interesting and fascinating drive to Provo. The first part from Denver to Grand Junction, Colorado (160 miles) was though the Rockies the most fascinating part was the Glenwood Canyon Pass. The second part of the drive from Grand Junction to about Wellington, Idaho was a desert and complete devoid of a single tree, it too was an interesting 160 drive, although I wouldn't want to do again. The last 90 mile section from Wellington to Provo through the Wasatch mountain range was as amazing as the Rockies. We did a lot of driving, but well worth it, especially only doing it once. We arrived in Provo by 3, checked in and wandered around town. It's got a lot going on for it and I wouldn't mind staying another day, but we should keep moving as long as the weather's good.
We decided to celebrate New Years Eve by having an early dinner at Ruby River, the hotel restaurant. We had a bit of wine and a dinner not much worth describing or even worth remembering. I fell asleep at 7:30. Happy New Year. Tomorrow it's off to Boise, Idaho.
Glenwood Canyon |
Utah Route 191 |
Provo, Utah |
From our hotel
Happy New Year! Safe and fun travels.
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