Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 7 Rincon

This is our last day in Rincon so we just hung around the area, walked several beaches and watched the surfers. A lunch stop back at the Ship Wreck Bar and Grill was definitely a smart thing to do. I ordered an absolutely fantastic fish taco. If anyone ever gets to Rincon, I would urge them to get a fish taco at the Ship Wreck. It’s really, really good. After driving around a bit, we spent the rest of the day at the Lazy Parrot. We finally had diner at the hotel’s restaurant, Smilin’ Joe’s. I had Shrimp Pad Thai and Sylvia ordered Chicken rolled and stuffed with pineapple and yucca mofongo. Everything was pretty good. Afterwards we had a last drink at the Rum Shack. Tomorrow we’re driving to the Southeast coast and probably spending a few days at Patillas. There’s no particular reason to stop there, it’s just a place to stay while we see what’s on that coast.

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