Saturday, January 26, 2008

Day 12 Sabino Canyon

Today is Sylvia's birthday. I tried singing "Happy Birthday" to her...she told me to "put a sock in it". I thought you were supposed to be happy on your birthday? I guess she wasn't exactly pleased being a year older. Or, maybe my brilliant voice didn't quite resonate right? For her birthday, I thought a hike up Sabino Canyon would be a perfect think she'd be thrilled, wouldn't you? Well not exactly, but it was a very nice eight mile walk up a beautiful canyon. They run a shuttle up the mountain and we bought tickets and walked instead. There are several spots where you have to take your shoes and socks off in order to cross a creek. Again, not something Sylvia envisioned doing on her birthday. I took a picture of her crossing the creek, and I swear, the camera broke. Finally, a smile from the Birthday Girl. It took us about three hours to do the walk and it's another of those "Must Do's" if you ever get in the area. We ended the day by going back to Lavenders for dinner and a more traditional birthday event.


Anonymous said...

Happy belated B-Day Sylvia!

Bill - you should have carried her across the creek!

Love to you both

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Sylvia. It was on my calendar but I forgot to look at the calendar. . . there was even a card there for you but I forgot to send it.

I agree with Lisa, Bill should have carried the birthday girl across the creek AND up the canyon.

Love ya,

Carol & Jack

Anonymous said...

Yup, yup, it was on my calendar too! Happy 35th!


Sonja and Reba

Anonymous said...

By the way, I'd pay good money to see the pics of Sylvia wading across the creek. Priceless!


Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Sylvia! What a coincidence - it's my 35th in Feb! :-)