Thursday, January 24, 2008

Day 9 & 10 Tucson and Green Valley

Haven't done very much the past two days. Yesterday we went to the local gym. If I ever go to a gym in a retirement community again it'll be when I'm 80...quite a sight! In the afternoon we wandered around Tucson and determined that it's not a city at all, just one continuous strip mall. We headed back to Green Valley and had a very good dinner at Lavender. The French chef there spent several years in DC working at La Colline and the Hay Adams...really very good.

Today we met Pete again at the Arizona Inn in Tucson for lunch. It's a great old place that's been around since the 30's and it's relatively unchanged...very classy. Pete and I decided to go for a long bike ride tomorrow so I stopped at the local Bike shop to reserve a bicycle for tomorrow morning. The kid at the shop said they don't open until ten, but don't bother coming until 10:30 since "we're all kinda grumpy until then"... I guess 10:30 it is. We went for a long walk later in the afternoon and decided we weren't hungry for dinner and we should stay home instead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And now you know why Jack and I are waiting until we're 80 to start exercising!

We miss you guys -- glad you're having a great time.

Love ya,