Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day 17 South Haven to Chicago

It was a short two hour drive from South Haven to Chicago. Today was the day we were to surprise son Derek. Derek always wanted to go to Chicago and see a Cubs game at Wrigley Field, so Derek's wife Jessica sent for tickets and secretly invited his mother (Linda), step dad (Larry), step mom (Sylvia), and dad (me). The deal was that Sylvia and I were to meet Larry and Linda in the hotel bar and Jessica would drag Derek down to the bar and we would surprise him. I don't know how or why, but it actually worked. He was totally surprised and, even better he really appreciated it. We had a good laugh and went to Gene and Georgetti's for great steaks and afterwards walked over to Harry Carey's bar for drinks. The bar is exactly 60' 6” long, the same distance as home plate is from the pitcher's mound. It was a very good evening. Tomorrow we go to the game and I'm looking forward to a terrific day.

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