Friday, May 15, 2009

Day 4 Nantucket

Feeling a bit wheezy this morning, we stopped by Lo La for a very good hamburger, after which we went to the wine tasting headquarter's, The White Elephant. There we met JJ, a friend of Fred's from Beaune, France. JJ owns a great wine bar and bistro in Beaune in the Burgundy region of France. Sylvia and I had met JJ several years ago during our stay in there where we had a terrific time. After a few hours at the White Elephant we went to a pig butchering demonstration complete with grilled pork and several Duckhorn wines. It lasted a little more than an hour and was well worth the price. After the demonstration we met JJ again and went with him over to The Cliffside Beach Restaurant to taste some of JJ's wines with the owners of the restaurant. By eight o'clock we were getting hungry and we went back downtown to the La Languedoc Bistro and had dinner. JJ knew the chef and just about about everybody else in the place. It was amazing how many people and been to his bistro. Sylvia and Mica skipped dinner and went back to the hotel early. JJ, Fred, and I were not nearly that smart.

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